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The Slice of Era

When you pick up the cards,

Everyone is like a "solitary island";

When the game comes to an end,

All the cards are connected,

No soul remains an island of solitude.​

This is a card game designed for social interaction, psychological exploration and creative exploration. The 54 cards weave narratives around various contemporary topics that capture people's attention in this era—topics such as rat race, identity anxiety, intimate relationships, the post-truth era, blockchain, and more. The key gameplay is "connection," where seemingly unrelated words on the cards can be linked by players through stories, cause-and-effect relationships, context, and creative divergence.

The hope is that this card game serves as a tool for people to communicate, express, contemplate, and unleash their imagination. It emphasizes that no phenomenon, individual, or ideology exists in isolation; everything is interconnected.

DATE : 2023



Back in February, a friend asked me if I'd be interested in joining a card creation project with real-world business potential. The idea of starting something from scratch excited me, especially when it came to crafting content around cultural and social themes. Without hesitation, I eagerly agreed.


This project brought together friends from various professional backgrounds – programmers, project managers, literary artists, designers, and more. Each of us played our unique roles, fueled by a shared passion for exploring societal issues and embracing community culture as young individuals. After six months of collective effort, we successfully launched this card game.

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We grouped the 54 keywords into four main themes: Inner Feelings, Social Issues, Concrete Objects, and Creative Inspiration.


Each card's front side includes the keyword, an description, and extension terms, while the back features an illustration generated by AI based on the keyword prompt. Afterward, we added some manual touch-ups to maintain a consistent design style.

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Key Word

Teal Organization


Reshaping Organizations; The Art of Management


A new form of organization that focuses on self-management and self-leadership, but also on team cooperation and shared decision-making. It usually adopts a flat management structure, encourages employee participation in decision-making, focuses on employee growth and development, and has a high degree of flexibility and adaptability. Example: Wikihow


AI Generation

We opted for AI generation due to the complexity of managing 54 cards, allowing for more efficient content creation. Our visual requirements are modest – we seek to evoke a relative emotional response rather than demand high precision. AI's output perfectly aligns with our needs.

Final Design


AI Generation ART

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Rat Race

Block Chain



Indigenous Culture


 Lie Flat

Everyday Beauty


How We Entertain

Embrace the Universe


We-Media Era


Athletic Competitio



Game Mechanics

This card game can serve as an icebreaker or a tool for in-depth discussions and creative exploration, with different gameplay options catering to various scenarios.


After testing various possibilities, we've identified four distinct card-playing modes, each serving a different purpose.

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We aim for these cards to genuinely enhance social interactions and creativity. Therefore, we conducted multiple tests across various locations and diverse groups, refining content, design styles, and printing processes to ensure their effectiveness

Kate and Kaka serve as the lead content designers for the team. Their extensive reading and knowledge impress me. They led the establishment of the keyword library, and we, as users, voted on the connectivity and fun of the keywords.


In the first round of testing, we used the simplest method of printed notes to assess the playability of the content. Surprisingly, we played for a full 3 hours without getting bored, filling me with confidence in the game's future.


Before the content test, I had never met the other members of the team, yet it felt like we effortlessly delved into profound discussions without the need for any formalities. During this testing, I experienced the rapid firing of neurons in my brain, realizing that I haven't been so deeply engrossed in thoughtful problem-solving for a long time. I also found excitement in the unexpected perspectives that occasionally surfaced in my own thoughts.

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In October, The Slice of Era Card Game was finally launched. Through various channels such as youth community spaces and market events, both online and offline, we placed the cards in the hands of users. We were also honored to receive very positive feedback.

"Yesterday, I just played the card game with friends, and right now, we are truly embracing mountains, rivers, and the universe, just as described in the cards"

- Sichuan China


"The concept of 'connection' has inspired us to explore social issues with renewed insight and profound contemplation."

-Fuzhou China

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"The islands formed beneath the online information cocoon find a breakthrough in the intrusion of traditional offline conversations, returning to the space of life."

"I just played a round with my parents, and unexpectedly, we delved into some deep topics that we wouldn't usually discuss. It was a refreshing experience."

"When we use the microscope of words to focus and magnify the seemingly ordinary things in our daily lives, they reveal unparalleled textures and emotions."


​This project has left me deeply moved as it opens the door for more people to engage in entertaining and social games. It provides an opportunity for everyone to listen, express, and contemplate, making me feel that being part of such a project is truly meaningful.


Additionally, it's my first time using AI for a commercially viable project. Despite the time spent adjusting design styles and inputting suitable prompts, I believe it offers considerable control. I have confidence that AI will become an efficient and reliable creative support tool for designers in the future.

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