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Children's Day Campaign

Retro 80s Childhood

McDonald's Children's Day Creative Idea: Revive the cherished childhood memories of adults born in 80s, enabling them to share the celebration of Children's Day with their kids, families and friends at McDonald's.

I collaborated with an illustrator and a creative director to incorporate McDonald's four iconic characters into the packaging and key visuals, crafting a delightful McDonald's amusement park.

Meanwhile, I led the visual design for the McNuggets sauce packaging. Our primary goal was to set these sauces apart from the typical flavor-centric designs and infuse an element of delight that harmoniously complements the Children's Day product atmosphere. As a result, I utilized vivid, saturated colors and personified flavors to express the essence of the design concept.

DATE : 2023


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Earlier Version

In earlier proposals, my primary creative concept involved integrating the toys and games of the 80s childhood into the McDonald's environment and products. As a result, I created a series of illustrations in a Feel-Good Design style.


This version received positive feedback from the client, it ultimately did not move forward due to concept evolution.


I was deeply involved in this project, overseeing it from the initial concept through multiple proposal rounds to the photo shoot and final editing. Through communication and collabration with the client, illustrators, and photographers, I learned a great deal and am pleased that the end result received positive feedback from cosutmers and clients.

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